Project 10

Arts-based approach to TB prevention in South African healthcare workersTB-Project10

Lead researchers

  • Stephanie Parent, student investigator, UBC
  • Annalee Yassi, principal investigator, UBC
  • Rodney Ehrlich, principal investigator, University of Cape Town (UCT)
  • Veronica Baxter, co-investigator, UCT
  • Natasha Kannemeyer, research assistant, UCT

Study description

South Africa has a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB) and healthcare workers (HCWs) are at high risk. Nonetheless, compliance with infection control and occupational health measures remain problematic. Arts-based techniques use various art forms to both gain insight into issues that may be difficult to elicit with other research designs as well as serving to enhance educational efforts.

This pilot study aimed to determine whether an arts-based intervention is feasible to implement with South African HCWs, as well as effective in shifting beliefs and attitudes that affect their non-compliance with infection control measures including disclosure when developing active TB. A secondary objective was to elicit HCWs’ perceptions regarding occupational TB as these emerged within the group setting.

The participatory arts-based workshop include Boal-type techniques such as image theatre and role-play, to educate and uncover HCWs perception on 5 points:

1. Am I at risk?
2. Whose responsibility is it to protect against TB?
3. How am I to be protected?
4. How can I be diagnosed early if I get TB?
5. What must I do if I get TB?