February Drs. Yassi and Spiegel, and graduate student Liz Wilcox, are visiting Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and South Africa to work on a project evaluating the International Labour Organisation HealthWise program. |
January Dr. Yassi is interviewed by Maclean's magazine regarding Ebola. Read the full article here: http://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/opening-the-door-to-ebola-hit-countries/ |
May Drs. Spiegel and Yassi are presenting at the 31st International Congress on Occupational Health (ICOH) in Korea. http://www.icoh2015.org/eng/index.php |
February 26 UBC’s Global Health Research Program in collaboration with Simon Fraser University, the Alliance for People’s Health, and the Ustawi Health Research Association are pleased to present Global Health Watch 4: Book launch and discussion. More information: https://ghrp.ubc.ca/events/ghw4/ |
February Canadian team members Lynn Fels, Judith Marcuse, Annalee Yassi, and Jennifer Spiegel of the Social Circus and Health Equity project went to Quito to perform and participate in arts-based workshops |
October 20-21Drs. Annalee Yassi and Jerry Spiegel, as well as graduate student Stephanie Parent, were deployed to Geneva to work with the World Health Organization (WHO) on the Occupational Health and Safety in Epidemic Preparedness and Response to Ebola and Marburg Virus Disease manual. |
AprilThe GHRP welcomes back Jaime Breilh, Peter Wall International Visiting Research Scholar. During his visit to Vancouver, Dr. Breilh presented at two events. You can find out more: https://ghrp.ubc.ca/events/jaimebreilhapril2014/ |
February 14Dr. Yassi presents on the health of healthcare workers at the 2014 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) You can find out more: https://ghrp.ubc.ca/events/2014aaas/ |
February 13Yves, Engler, author of The Ugly Canadian - Stephen Harper's Foreign Policy, presented on Canada's international reputation on February 13. You can find out more: https://ghrp.ubc.ca/events/engler/ |
NovemberDr. Spiegel recently travelled to Ecuador to participate in workshops and assist in survey work for the final phase of the “Meeting capacity-building and scaling-up challenges to sustainably prevent and control dengue in Machala, Ecuador” project. More information: https://ghrp.ubc.ca/events/our-dengue-prevention-project-is-nearing-completion/ |
NovemberThe Global Health Research Program contributed a piece to the GOHNET newsletter titled: Promoting health equity by addressing the needs of health workers: a collaborative international initiative. You can view the Newsletter here: http://www.who.int/occupational_health/publications/newsletter/GOHNET_Newsletter22_Nov2013.pdf Look on page 14 for the GHRP article! |
NovemberPhD student Lyndsay O'Hara just returned from the International Union for Tuberculosis and Lung Disease World Conference in Paris. Lyndsay attended a pre-conference course run by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on TB Modelling and participated in the five-day scientific programme, which presented the latest developments in the related fights against tuberculosis, HIV, lung disease and non-communicable diseases. About the conference: http://www.worldlunghealth.org/conf2013/ |
OctoberDr. Spiegel received the 2013 CJG Mackenzie Prize for Excellence in Teaching from the School of Population and Public Health. Read more: http://spph.ubc.ca/drs-jerry-spiegel-and-michael-law-win-cortlandt-j-g-mackenzie-teaching-prize/ |
JuneOn June 6, 2013, the Global Health Research Program received designation as a WHO Collaborating Centre in Occupational and Environmental Health. Read more: https://ghrp.ubc.ca/about/who-cc/ |
MarchMatthew Sparke is a Professor of Geography and International Studies and Adjunct Professor of Global Health at the University of Washington, and he has published widely on issues related to globalization and global health. He has presented on Philanthro-capitalism, Global Health and the New Washington Consensus on March 1st. You can find out more here: http://ghrp.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2013/02/GlobalHealthInternationalism_Sparke-March120131.pdf |
NovemberAnnalee Yassi and Jerry Spiegel, along with Director of the School of Population and Public Health, Dr. David Patrick, participated in collaborative workshops to address antimicrobial resistance in Ecuador. Global Health Research Program graduate students Bjorn Stime and Nelson Gorrin were also in attendance. You can find more about the event here: https://ghrp.ubc.ca/events/collaborative-workshops-to-address-antimicrobial-resistance-in-ecuador/ |
FallDr. Yassi’s research on “Evidence-Based Guidelines: Protecting the Health of Health Workers” was profiled in the Fall 2012 issue of CIHR’s “Show me the Evidence“. |
SeptemberThe GHRP welcomed Jaime Breilh, Peter Wall International Visiting Research Scholar. You can find out more here: https://ghrp.ubc.ca/events/jaime-breilh-peter-wall-international-visiting-research-scholar-september-5-26th-2012/ |
MayThe accomplishments of the South Africa Workplace HIV/TB Certificate Programme participants were celebrated at a graduation ceremony. More info: https://ghrp.ubc.ca/research/past-projects/certificate-program/certificate-programme-graduation/ |
MarchThe collaborative project bringing together infection control and occupational health lead by Drs. Elizabeth Bryce (VCH) and Annalee Yassi (UBC) was awarded the Top Achievements in Health Research by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Canadian Medical Association Journal. You can find out more here: https://ghrp.ubc.ca/events/collaborative-research-team-receives-top-achievement-in-health-research/